AquaPor LE GTAC is a high quality, general purpose agarose gel material ideal for most routine applications. Low EEO reduces diffusion of smaller fragments and results in sharper, more clearly defined bands. High gel strength facilitates ease of use and handling of gels. AquaPor LE is certified to contain no detectable DNase, RNase, or protease. It makes an excellent matrix for resolution of nucleic acids as well as high molecular weight proteins. AquaPor LE may be used confidently for Southern, Northern, and Western blotting, as well as in-gel hybridizations.
EEO (-mr)
Gel Strength (g/cm2)
Gel Temp (°C)
< 0.12
> 1200 @ 1.0%
< 37 @ 1.0%
Catalog Number: EC-202
The Agarose Matrix
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA and RNA
Preparation of Agarose Gels
Restriction Digest Mapping
DNA/RNA Purification from Agarose Gels
RNA Electrophoresis
Immuno-Electrophoresis / Immuno-Diffusion
Northern Blotting
Southern Blotting
PCR Analysis
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